Born In:
1926 - 93 years old
1938 - 81 years old
1950 - 69 years old
1962 - 57 years old
1974 - 45 years old
1986 - 33 years old
1998 - 21 years old
2010 - 9 years old
(Source of Image: Internet)
General Forecast:
Don't feel like working hard, and won't be busy at work.
In union with presiding god, enhancing the relationship with others.
Major Lucky Stars:
Sui He (歲合) - In union with presiding god, enhancing the relationship with others.
Tai Yin (太陰) - Prone to have strong support from females, including: female supervisors, work colleagues, staff, clients, etc.
Major Unlucky Stars:
Wang Shen (亡神) - Likely to lose some of the personal belongings such as wallet, keys, mobile phone, etc.
Gu Chen (孤辰) - Star of loneliness. Could travel to overseas to ease the loneliness.
Don't feel like working hard in 2019, unlikely to have a breakthrough..
Don't feel like working hard in 2019, unlikely to have a breakthrough.
In union with presiding god, enhancing the relationship with others.
No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of sickness, unlikely to have any big health issues.
In union with presiding god. With better relationship with others in 2019, unlikely to have gossips.
Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles: