Born In:
1941 - 80 years old
1953 - 68 years old
1965 - 56 years old
1977 - 44 years old
1989 - 32 years old
2001 - 20 years old
2013 - 8 years old
(Source of Image: Internet)
General Forecast:
Year of learning and investment.
In union with presiding god, enhancing the relationship with others.
Major Lucky Stars:
San Tai (三台)、 Guo Yin (國印) - Enhancement of social status and position.
Major Unlucky Stars:
Fuan Fu (官符) - Disputes, arguments, and court cases.
Wu Gui (五鬼) - Star of backstabbers and gossips.
Zhi Bei (指背) - Star of backstabbers and gossips.
Tian Ku (天哭) - Prone to have negative emotions, and would cry for small matters.
Wealth / Career:
Year of learning and investment , opportunities in learning and developing new skills.
With the positive effects from the lucky stars of San Tai (三台) those who are employed would have opportunity for job promotion. Entrepreneurs and self-employed would have the opportunity to establish their reputations in the industry.
In union with presiding god, enhancing the relationship with others.
No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of sickness, unlikely to have any big health issues.
Have the largest number of stars of gossips among all the zodiacs.
Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles: