Born In:
1946 - 74 years old
1958 - 62 years old
1970 - 50 years old
1982 - 38 years old
1994 - 26 years old
2006 - 14 years old
2018 - 2 years old
(Source of Image: Internet)
General Forecast:
Year of busyness and hard work. Prone to have increased workloads.
Offending the presiding god for the year of 2019. Prone to be emotionally unstable, always in bad mood, being pessimistic, and always thinking of the worst case situation.
12 yrs old - Restless and emotionally unstable due to academic pressure
24 yrs old - Change in relationship: new, breaking up, getting marry.
36 & 48 yrs old - Emotionally unstable, always in bad mood, pessimistic.
60, 72 and 84 years old - Prone to encounter health issues.
To ease the negative influences in 2020, could travel to overseas:
Born in Spring and Summer seasons (between 6th March to 7th August), should travel to the West, North West, or North.
Born in Autumn, Winter, and Early Spring seasons (between 8th August to 5th March), should travel to the East, South East, or South.
For more information, please refer to my article “Overseas Travel Brings Luck?”
Major Lucky Stars:
Jiang Xing (將星) - Enhancement of power and authority
Major Unlucky Stars:
Tai Sui (太歲) - Offending the presiding god
Jian Feng (劍鋒) & Fu Shi (伏屍 ) - Prone to have accidents and injuries caused by sharp metal objects. Could avoid any serious injuries by donating blood or having a dental clean-up
Wealth / Career:
With the positive effects from the lucky star of Jiang Xing (將星), those who are employed would have opportunity for job promotion. Entrepreneurs and self-employed would have the opportunity to establish their reputations in the industry.
Offending the presiding god, likely to have a change in relationship: new relationship, breaking up, getting marry, conceiving a child.
Prone to have accidents and injuries caused by sharp metal objects especially in the months of conflicts in June and December.
Could avoid serious injuries by donating blood or having a dental clean-up.
The negative influences from offending the presiding god could cause you to lose temper and having disputes with others.
Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles: