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Fortune of Rabbit in 2022

Born In:

1939 - 83 years old

1951 - 71 years old

1963 - 59 years old

1975 - 47 years old

1987 - 35 years old

1999 - 23 years old

2011 - 11 years old

(Source of Image: Internet)

General Forecast:

  • Year of busyness and hard work. Prone to have increased workloads.

Major Lucky Stars:

  • Tai Yan (太陽) - Prone to have strong support from males, including: male supervisors, work colleagues, staff, clients, etc.

Major Unlucky Stars:

  • Xian Chi (咸池) - Star of temporary relationship. Opportunity for the singles to start a relationship with someone already known for some time. Those who are married are prone to have extramarital affairs.

  • Tian Kong (天空) - Your plans are likely to fall through. Could try to make decisions according to the changing situations to avoid the frustration.

  • Hui Qi (晦氣) - Deals that have terms confirmed or contracts signed are likely to fall through due to unforeseeable situations.

Wealth / Career:

  • In year of busyness and hard work, prone to have increased workloads which the entrepreneurs and self-employed with variable income would benefit most.


  • In year of temporary good relationship (咸池), opportunity for the singles to start a relationship with someone already known for some time. Those who are married are prone to have extramarital affairs.


  • No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of sickness, unlikely to have any big health issues.


  • No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of gossip, unlikely to have any gossips.

Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles:


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