Born In:
1939 - 81 years old
1951 - 69 years old
1963 - 57 years old
1975 - 45 years old
1987 - 33 years old
1999 - 21 years old
2011 - 9 years old
(Source of Image: Internet)
General Forecast:
Don't feel like working hard, and won't be busy at work.
Major Lucky Stars:
Hong Luan (紅鸞) - Star of relationship which enhances the luck for relationship. Also, increasing the chance for the singles to start a relationship.
Tai Yin (太陰) - Prone to have strong support from females, including: female supervisors, work colleagues, staff, clients, etc.
Major Unlucky Stars:
San Xing (三刑) - Torturing the presiding god. Prone to have numerous gossips and disputes.
Wealth / Career:
With the positive effect of Hong Luan (紅鸞) , prone to have good relationship and support from others that assist to develop your career or business.
In year of good relationship, singles should make use of this opportunity to join more social activities to meet new people.
Torturing the presiding god. Prone to have numerous gossips and disputes which are likely to have negative impacts on relationship.
Torturing the presiding god. Prone to have minor health issues.
In year of good relationship but also torturing the presiding god. Gossips and disputes are inevitable but the positive effect of being in the good relationship year is stronger. The overall relationship with others won't be affected.
Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles: