Born In:
1935 - 85 years old
1947 - 73 years old
1959 - 61 years old
1971 - 49 years old
1983 - 37 years old
1995 - 25 years old
2007 - 13 years old
2019 - 1 year old
(Source of Image: Internet)
General Forecast:
Year of busyness and hard work. Prone to have increased workloads.
Pig was offending the presiding god in 2019. The possible changes in relationship, career, accommodation caused by the offence would extend to April 2020.
Major Lucky Stars:
Mo Yue (陌越) - Enhancement of position
Major Unlucky Stars:
Wang Shen (亡神) - Likely to lose some of the personal belongings such as wallet, keys, mobile phone, etc.
Bing Fu (病符) - Prone to have minor health issues.
Wealth / Career:
In year of busyness and hard work, prone to have increased workloads which the entrepreneurs and self-employed with variable income would benefit most.
With the positive effect from the lucky star of Mo Yue (陌越), those who are employed would have opportunity for job promotion. Entrepreneurs and self-employed would have the opportunity to establish their reputations in the industry.
In year of temporary good relationship, opportunity for the singles to start a relationship with someone already known for some time. But this relationship might not be able to maintain till the summer of 2020. Those who are married are prone to have extramarital affairs.
No conflicts with the presiding god, unlikely to have any big health issues.
The star of sickness, Bing Fu (病符), would only cause minor health issues.
No conflicts with the presiding god and the absence of star of gossip, unlikely to have any gossips.
Note: This forecast should be read in conjunction with the following articles: